Friday, 16 February 2018

you would be amazed to see what this hair oil do to your hair loss- my alopecia hair loss story-2

In ayurveda hair loss is related to pitta imbalance. An aggravated  pitta causes hair thinning and graying. Your hair becomes dry, dull and split ends may develop. Hair thinning  cause your scalp to visible. In some cases hair fall leads to male pattern baldness .

The first and the foremost step is to bring your pitta to balance. Aggravated Pitta attacks your stomach and head. Excess heat in your stomach cause constipation and leading  ama (toxins) to accumulate, one of the reasons of hair loss. When pitta attacks your head the hair follicles get weakened. your hair turns gray and thin.  

                                  If you are unaware of your body consttuion here is something for you 

The treatment is based on a pitta balancing diet plan, external application of oils and other herbs. Oil application cools the head and strengthen the hair roots.  Abhyanga the head to toe oil massage once in a week will do wonders on your over all health.

The first thing that I noticed working on my hair fall to reduce was oil massage.  My doctor suggested to apply NEELBHRINGADI KERA OIL daily half an hour before a head bath. Ayurveda considers Neelbhringadi hair oil the best hair oil to treat hair loss and other scalp infections.

It is an ayurvedic hair oil meant for strengthening the hair follicles thus check your hair fall. It stimulates cell division at root level and promotes hair growth. The chosen herbal ingredients in this oil are best known for treating hair thinning, premature graying and hair growth. This oil is great for hair loss and baldness.Other than treating hair loss it is excellent for treating dandruff, itchy scalp and fungal infections.

The main ingredients used are

  • Neeliswarasa
  • bhringraj
  • shatakrutulata
  • amla
  • licorice
  • cow milk/goat milk
  • coconut milk
  • coconut oil
  • gunjamoola
All the ingredients are cooling in nature and been used for long, thick ,beautiful, healthy hair growth.

This oil can be either prepared with coconut oil or sesame oil as base. The one i am using is the one prepared by the ksheera pak vidhi by Kerala ayurveda. They use coconut oil as base.

I found remarkable change in my hair fall after using the oil. An appreciated reduce in hair fall is noticed in first month. I am glad to see hair growing back on the patches. It is black and healthy , soft and lustrous. No more hair fall.

How to use? apply a little oil all over the scalp. massage gently with your finger tips and leave for 30 minutes. If you don't mind your oiled hair then wash with plain water or you may use any gentle herbal cleanser to wash your hair. I would reveal my hair wash secret in coming part. If you cannot use it daily use it at least thrice a week.

I would recommend this oil to all who experience hair fall and other scalp infections specially to those who are under alopecia treatment ( alopecia aroeta ).

There are variety of brands available in market . But if you want to use the one I am using  here you go.

stay connected with me to know my hair wash secret and pitta balancing diet plan.

stay blessed.

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